Icepac Limited
A 5000 YEAR HERITAGE Pakistan stands at the crossroads of the world where cultures of Middle East and Asia meet and become one. The Indus River, an outstanding geographical feature of Pakistan flows out of Tibet from a spring known as 'The Mouth of The lion'. The Indus flows down through the Karakoram mountains to enter the Northern areas of Pakistan. It then continues its's 2,800 kilometre journey southwards and westwards through the heart of the country to enter the great Arabian Sea near the city of Karachi.
All the way along its length,the great river supports and nourishes agricultural settlements. Its in the middle ground, in Pakistani provinces of Punjab and Sindh that the agricultural produce is at its best. From thousands of villages scattered among the fields, the orchards and the plantations, the fertile soil and a rich climate combine to produce the finest crops, livestock and vegetables. We select only the finest ingredients - process, package and freeze and call it Icepac
We offer a range of natural, nutritious, fresh frozen produce free from chemicals and preservatives.
Our produce has a higher nutritional value compared to fresh fruits and vegetables found in the market. They are picked at the peak of their ripening phase, when the nutritional value is at its highest, and then Individually Quick Frozen (IQF) right after harvest. The IQF process flash-freezes each piece of fruit/vegetable individually within seconds, ensuring all of its nutritional values are hygienically preserved, so you can conveniently enjoy nature’s goodness just the way it was intended.
- TRUST: We instill trust in others by being trustworthy ourselves
- RELIABILITY: We help each other get it right, every time, on time
- INTEGRITY: We choose the right path with intent and consistency
- FOOD SAFETY: We protect consumer’s well-being
- INNOVATION: We find new & better ways to create products, solutions, and sources of supply
- COMMUNITY: We care about people and the communities where we work
Our Mission
Icepac is dedicated to the idea of providing healthy, hygienic, price competitive products for the satisfaction of its end users. The company is focused on innovation & competitiveness to provide long term health benefits to the population consuming its products. It is dedicated to be a role model for the expansions and development of high end Agro food economy of Pakistan .
Our Vision
To become the first and last choice in the eyes of the consumer for hygienic, clean, convenient and competitive products. For the consumer to have a pride in the name of Icepac. .

Why ICEPAC is the best?

Icepac Limited has set the highest standards of quality, hygiene, efficiency and services.
The group prides itself in offering open ended guarantees for the product’s Islamic Character. The familiar Icepac seal of Halal on its products and services is a further confirmation of its social responsibility towards its customers. As a global entity, we are acutely aware of our social and environmental impact. One element of our corporate strategy is to maximize value by operating with the highest standards of integrity in our business dealings, activities and corporate governance.

Mr. Mansoor Arifeen
Chief Executive Officer